
  About the choice of mask, there has been a lot of popular science recently. Medical masks can be divided into three types: 1. 2. Medical surgical mask; 3. Medical protective mask.
  1. General surgical mask: the texture is relatively thin, which conforms to YY/ t0969-2013 standards, and its protection against pathogenic microorganisms is not exact. The lack or filtration requirements for particulate bacteria are lower than those for surgical masks and respirators. Can be used for general medical activities, as well as when you have a respiratory infection.
  2. Medical surgical mask: the standard medical surgical mask has an inner layer of hygroscopicity, a middle layer of filtration and an outer layer of water resistance, which conforms to yy0469-2011 standard and can prevent the spread of blood, body fluids and spatter. It is suitable for contact with diseases spread by droplets and for invasive or respiratory operations by medical personnel.
  3. Medical protective mask: it conforms to the gb19083-2010 standard and is divided into N95 and N99 levels. It prevents airborne transmission of an infection smaller than 5 microns in diameter or close contact with a droplet borne disease. Suitable for air isolation protection in medical environment.
  The mask cannot be used all the time. The following situations suggest that it needs to be replaced:
  1. When the mask is contaminated (blood, body fluids, droplets, etc.);
  2. If the mask is damaged;
  3. When the mask cannot fit the face;
  4. When breathing resistance increases;
  5. After use in the isolation ward or after close contact with patients;
  6, if the activated carbon mask, when the mask odor.


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